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Public sector to offer re-employment to retiring workers from July 2011
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Read up more about the article here:

Article extracted from posted on 30th November 2010.

The article is about Singapore:: Publice service agencies will offer re-employerments to workers who have reached retirement age from july 2011. Ms Bernadette Sim, Director of Careers and Attraction explained the reason for introducing re-employment, she mentioned in the article "Officers will be able to remain economically productive and be meaningfully engaged in their golden years while the Public Service continue to benefit from the wealth of institutional knowledge and experience that these older officers bring with them". However, to qualify for the re-employment, officers must demonstrate satisfactory work performance in the three years prior to retirement and be medically fit to continue working. They must also not have deciplinary action taken aganist them.

I personally feel that the governemnet has come up a great idea of entending the retirement age beacause as we all know that the cost of living is riasing rapidly and being unemployed at this point of time is certainly scary. Through this, it will not just keep the older officers busy working, but it will also give them a sense of satisfaction that being at the age of 62 they are still earning and supporting for themselves and not depending on their children or any other.


Oprah gives away 275 New Beetles!!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Article extracted from yahoonews dated on 23 november.

Oprah Winfrey, the women who is known for giving and doing big things has yet done it again. This time round, Oprah Winfrey gave her studio audience the yet-to-be launched 2012 Volkswagen New Beetles as part of "Oprah 's Favourite Things" on her farewell episode.
But unfortunately, the audience could not get the cars yet as it was not out in the market. According to Volkswagen, it is expected to debut in the spring of 2011 and will go on sale the following fall. However, Oprah Winfrey did not disappoint her audience and revealed the design silhoutte of the car to give them a glimpse of what they will be receiving.

And if you think that's amazing, wait till you hear what else she gave away. She also gave away Ralph Lauren cashmere sweater, $525 worth of Judith Ripka Eclipse Earrings, a Tori Burch grey flannel tote, a home candle with 18 different scents,five years of free Netflix, a custom closet from the Container Store, a $3600 Sony 3D TV, a $700 Nikon Digital SLR camera and books from Marianne Williamson and Jay-Z and trust me the list goes on. Now that's beyon amazingness.

When I read about this article I was thinking of how lucky were the studio audience. Especially those first timers who had came to be part of the final episode and not knowing that they will be leaving with the 2012 Volkswagen New Beetles. Oprah Winfrey's purpose of giving away all this tremendous gift was a was of thanking her audience for supporting her for the past 25 years. She mentioned in the article that “It’s not really about all the stuff, It really is, for me, about hope. It’s about knowing that something really magical and joyful and wonderful can happen to you when you least expect it.” and that's what happened to the lucky 275 audience on that day. Oprah Winfrey is one of Americas most powerful people up till today and regardless of how much popularity and wealth she has earned through our her career, she has been able to maintain a sense of humility and compassion which I think is commendable. For the past 25 years, she has been positively influencing the lives of people in need through donations or in other form of ways which has proven that she is the women who can truly make a difference in this world. Even though Oprah has ended her daily talk show, I am sure she will still continue inspire and make a difference in people's life through one way or another.


Divorce is in the Air
Friday, November 19, 2010

Article got from the daily Hollywoodnews website on November 19.

I am sure that it's not a surprise to us whenever we hear of Hollywood celebrities having more then one relationship or getting a divorce within a year of their marriage. News of such incident has been so command this days that when we hear about them, we go " Oh well that's so normal in their country". But recently the couples that have been spliting up are those that I did not expect of. Like the recent couple that split in Hollywood, Eva Longoria and Tony Parker filed for a divorce yesterday (november 18) soon after which I heard of singer pop icon Christina Aguilera's split with her hunsbad of 5 years Jordan Bratman last month. Honestly, I was not too surprise upon hearing about the divorce of actor Eva Longoria and NBA player Tony Parker as the age gap between them were quite large, but I must say that they lasted longer then I predicted they would.

But it really took me by surprise upon hearing the divorce of singer Christina Aguilera. She has been one of my all time favourite idol and many of her songs has given me the movitaion to get up in life and move on whenever I was down. Hearing this horrying news about her was really saddening. They were one of those couples whom I believed that would have made it through their marraige. But I guess, I was wrong. In the article, it was mentioned that Christina Aguilera had cheated on her husband but that has yet to be confirmed. The couple have a 2 year old child named Max whom they will both be sharing the custody of. I am sure that Chistina Aguilera will be strong enough to go through this tough moment in her life now with the support and encouragment of her family memebes, I sincerely hope all the very best for her.


Bukit Panjang Slashing
Thursday, November 11, 2010

It has only been two weeks since the brutal murder of Darren Ng Wei Jie happened at Downtown East and yet another gang attack has happened. Not one but two separate incidents of armed rioting happened on 8 November 2010 at Bukit Panjang. Jayasiva Shangar Guru a 20-year-old assistant technician was slashed in the back and legs at around 10pm at Block 418 Fajar Road and a group of 20 youths were surrounded and attacked near a street soccer court at Block 505 Jelapang Road which was about 500 metres from the first incident. The brutal attack left 20-year-old Jayasiva Shangar Guru hospitalised while the other six victims received outpatient treatment for their injuries.

What is wrong with this people? I thought this gangs were all over long time back but I guess I was wrong, and the most saddening thing about this is that this groups consist of young youths who should be schooling and planning for their future instead of roaming around the streets and slashing innocent people. But I guess we can't really blame them as I am sure most of them come from broken families or do not even have anyone to guide them and tell them what is right and wrong and what they should and should not do, It's not that I am supporting this people it's just a fact that I think many of us tend to forget and blame them for eveything. Any ways, apart from this gang members being at fault, I personally feel that Singapore's police are also equally to be blamed for this incident. I feel that police in our country are very laid back just because major incidents does not happen much, but that does not mean that it will never happen right? Police should seriously take some serious action in order to reduces suhc incidents from happening again and they should also have frequent patrols sessions soon before it's too late and more unnecessary incident takes place.

Here's the link for the full story on the incident:


Sunday, November 7, 2010

As we all know, the festival of lights, Deepavali was recently celebrated on 5 November 2010. I must say that it is one festival which I am always anxiously looking forward too. All the visiting, meeting up with relatives and catching up on things is something we get to do only on this day and of course not forgetting all the scrumptious cookies and food.

On saturday (6 November) Marine Parade Community Club celebrated Deepavali with 350 residents from Marine Parade at the Marine Parade Community Club. Their aim was to introduce Indian culture to the residents and to promote greater interracial understanding by having performances by residents and volunteers, including some 20 new Singapore citizens, and if that's not enough, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong was also present at the event. It's nice to see Singaporeans getting together and celebrating this auspicious festival with our fellow Indians. Hopefully it will not just stop here and we will all continue to participating in each others festivals.

ps: Wishing all Indians a very happy Deepavali.


Police nab 6 youths for attemped robbery, assault
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I was really shocked when I read an article regarding 6 youths aged between 16 and 19 years old attempting robbery and assault of a cashier at a convenience store located at Blk 109 Bukit Purmei Road. It's saddening to see how teenagers are wasting their precious time trying to rob a convenient store rather than doing something more useful. I personally feel that this bunch of youths should at least get one stroke of the cane to realise that what they have done is not a minor matter and something major could have happened if they had not left the store. As for the cashier, am glad that nothing major happened to him. In my opinion, I feel that this incident happened due to the lack of manpower on that day. Owners of convenient stores should consider having at least two people working instead of just one, this way if any such incident takes place again, there will be at least someone to make a call for help.

Here's where you can read up more about the incident:



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