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This Robot Seeks and Rescues!!
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Article extracted from date 5 January 2010.

Looks like any other ordinary robot to you? Well think again. This robot, named "Life Saver" that looks like a toy car it's an all-terrain vehicle which was designed by a final year student in Diploma in Mechatronics and Robotics, Wei Linyun from the Singapore Polytechnic. An unmanned robot that can go into disaster zones and rescue people is one of the 450 innovations on display, at the Spinnovex Innovation Exhibition. An annual event by Singapore Polytechnic whereby it showcases some of the top projects by the final-year students. This robot uses mini microphones to pick up voices of survivors and is half the size of a robot in the market. At a price tag of S$2, 500 compared to S$70 000 for professionally-made ones, it appears there could be market for it in Singapore.

In the article Wei Linyun mentioned of how this idea came about. She mentioned that some of their research was carried out at the training ground of the Singapore Civil Defence Force and after visiting their site and communicating with them, they found that they may need such a robot which will improve their efficiency. This vehicle will work as a team and communicate with one another through swarm technology, when a signal of a survivor is found and even if one robot goes down, the search team will not collapse.

This is definitely a must have robot for the world today. Being able to save a life and be of an helping hand for many countries. This is exactly what we need right now. With all the natural diasters happening and destroying many homes and burying people who are still alive, this life saver robot will be able to give them aother life. Due to the insufficient manpower and help in certain countries, the life saver robot will be of a big help for them as it would be able to save lives and also reduce the work load of many rescuers. I must say that, it is also an honour for our country as most of these robots are usually invented by the Japanese. But today, one of the most useful robot in my eye has been invented by a fellow Singaporean. How cool is that. It seems like Singapore is not that far behind in technology now.



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