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Bukit Panjang Slashing
Thursday, November 11, 2010

It has only been two weeks since the brutal murder of Darren Ng Wei Jie happened at Downtown East and yet another gang attack has happened. Not one but two separate incidents of armed rioting happened on 8 November 2010 at Bukit Panjang. Jayasiva Shangar Guru a 20-year-old assistant technician was slashed in the back and legs at around 10pm at Block 418 Fajar Road and a group of 20 youths were surrounded and attacked near a street soccer court at Block 505 Jelapang Road which was about 500 metres from the first incident. The brutal attack left 20-year-old Jayasiva Shangar Guru hospitalised while the other six victims received outpatient treatment for their injuries.

What is wrong with this people? I thought this gangs were all over long time back but I guess I was wrong, and the most saddening thing about this is that this groups consist of young youths who should be schooling and planning for their future instead of roaming around the streets and slashing innocent people. But I guess we can't really blame them as I am sure most of them come from broken families or do not even have anyone to guide them and tell them what is right and wrong and what they should and should not do, It's not that I am supporting this people it's just a fact that I think many of us tend to forget and blame them for eveything. Any ways, apart from this gang members being at fault, I personally feel that Singapore's police are also equally to be blamed for this incident. I feel that police in our country are very laid back just because major incidents does not happen much, but that does not mean that it will never happen right? Police should seriously take some serious action in order to reduces suhc incidents from happening again and they should also have frequent patrols sessions soon before it's too late and more unnecessary incident takes place.

Here's the link for the full story on the incident:



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