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Female Suicide Bomber Kills Dozens in Pakistan.
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Article extracted from current affairs and political news website dated on 26 December 2010.

On 25 December 2010 which is Christmas, everyone is happily celebrating and exchanging gifts with their loved ones, but who knew a suicide attack was being plotted and then carried out in Bajaur Pakistan.

The explosion happened in Khar, district headquarters of Bajaur Agency in FATA, Pakistan, killed at least 44 citizens and wounded 72. According to information, the blasts occur in front of a civil colony at a check point and World Food Programme building was also near the blast position. A female suicide bomber reaches at the spot and blew herself up, due to which 44 people were killed and several others sustained severe injuries. The attack took place when more than 300 people were gathering outside World Food Programmed building to take delivery of food supplies. Protection forces and police reached the spot and cordoned off the neighborhood and started investigate operation. Rescue teams also reached the blast place and in progress relief actions.

Once again Pakistan was attacked by a suicide bomber and this time round it was a female. As far as i can remember, i think this is the first time that a female had become a suicide bomber. What has come to this world? People blasting up themselves and killing others thinking that they are taking revenge. Looking at the situation now, I won't be surprised if a child is used as a suicide bomber next. It is so heart aching to see how people are taking their lives for granted and not thinking twice about what they are doing whether is it right or wrong. All the innocent people who lost their lives and family members who lost their loved ones, imagine what they must be going through. The year is coming to an end, why can't people just forgive one another and start the brand new year afresh. I sincerely hope that the situation in Pakistan will get better in the new year and the people there can start to live a proper life without having to worry if they would get to live another day or not.



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