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Singaporeans should strive for excellence??
Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Article:

I came across an interesting article that caught my attention regarding ''Should Singaporeans Strive for excellence?"

Finance Minister Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam feels that Singaporeans should strive for excellence instead of just being competent. He also mentioned that there are not that many people in Singapore who really want to be extremely good at what they are doing. I do agree to a certain extent to his comments but, I feel that the reason why many Singaporeans are not extremely good at what they are doing is simply because they have no interest in the field that they are working or studying in. Am sure than you people must be thinking, if there's no interest than why chose it in the first place? Well, because of peer pressure I would say. Personally I feel that Singapore is only good in one field and that is business. Making money and wanting to progress Singapore's economy has always been the main factor. Due to this, parents force their children into taking up courses regading something to do in the business field thinking that it will benefit them in the future. Yes it will benefit some of us but how about the talents that many of us youths have? example like dancing, acting and so for. Looking at todays generation, teenagers this days are extremly talented and have alot of potential in succeding in not just the business field but also in the entertainment field as well.

Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam also mentioned that "We should not be afraid of being different and wanting to make a diffirence". But my question is, how much of a differenc can we make? In order for us to strive for excellence we have to be given the oppurtunity to do so, which I feel Singapore lacks in. I personally am very much interested in the entertainment industry but as we all know, Singapore's entertainment industry is not as recognised as other countries entertainment industry is where by you can have a secure career in. Alot of attention has been given to people with Degresses in Marketing, Accounting or in someother field that will benefit Singapore's economy which I feel is rather unfair. Equal amount of attention should be given to people who are blessed with talents and to those who are academically good as well.

In conclusion, Singapore should encourage local talents and not just focus on academic matters. Through this, Singapore can excel both in the entertainment field and business field.



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